Sunday, February 15, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme

21 DAY FIX EXTREME is here!  I am starting this new program tomorrow. The program is very similar to the 21 Day Fix that I used to lose my pregnancy weight, however the extreme is turned up a notch. This program is designed to shred those last stubborn 5-10 pounds. The workouts are still 30 minutes long, however they are a little more intense and use a lot more weights.  The nutrition plan is more dialed in and no cheats are allowed, but it is only 21 days! We can do anything for 21 days, right?!? Ok, Ok…almost anything!

This morning I sat down and printed out the tracking sheets which you can get on the site under get fit tab and tracking. There are also some great 21 day fix tracker apps out there as well if you search the apps store on your phone. I have tried using both and there is something about using pen and paper to track my containers that really helps me stay on track.

The best part of the 21 Day Fix programs is the nutrition plan. It’s laid out so simple with list of foods you can eat from each food group.  Since we can over eat on healthy foods, the program provides containers to measure out your food.  This really helps with portion control. Here is what each container represents.

Red = Proteins
Green = Veggies
Purple = Fruits
Yellow = Carbs
Blue = Healthy Fats
Orange = Seeds and dressings
Tsp = Oil and nut butter

I am in the lowest calorie range, so each day I get 4 reds, 3 greens, 2 purples, 2 yellow, 1 blue, 1 orange and 2tsp. Once I figure out my calorie range and daily number of containers, I sit down with an excel spreadsheet and make my weekly meal plan. Then, I write my grocery list using my meal plan. This has really helped me save money at the store, because I buy exactly what I need and nothing extra. My meal plan is always printed and posted on the side of the fridge so I know exactly what I am going to eat each day! Now the first week I start a new plan I keep my food very basic until I get the hang of it.

The 21 Day Fix Extreme has 2 eating plan options: the extreme or countdown to competition. I am going to try doing the countdown to competition, which is a carb depletion meal plan. The first week is always awkward starting a new program. You are trying to learn the new moves, plus a new eating plan, your sore, and it takes a lot of mental energy to think through your foods. That being said my goal is to do my best the first week but not to beat myself up over it either.

Today I will be taking my pictures and measurements since it is the most accurate measure of progress and NOT the scale. I would encourage everyone starting a new program to go by how they feel, your energy level, your clothes and how they fit and throw the sale out. I find the scale plays with my mind too much and gets me distracted. If it isn’t moving in the direction I want it to then I get discourage, and when I lose then I think I can cheat. I have committed to myself not to use the scale for the next 3 weeks.

The 21-day fix extreme is all about no cheats, no treats, workouts that push you to the max. When it comes down to the last 10lbs or you’re trying to get abs you have to go extreme! It’s not something you have to maintain forever but you have to get the results then go into maintenance. It can be done! That’s why Team Beachbody has coaches like me. My job is to provide you with support, accountability, guidance and tips to start and finish a program!! If you would like to join one of my groups, please contact me at or

Cheers to the next 21 Days!! Make sure to follow me on facebook where I will be journalizing my journey. 

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