Transformation Stories

June 24th
Yesterday was 30 days of my 60 day challenge group that started in May. I have to share some of these exciting results my challengers are seeing. Sign up for a free membership with me so you can starting getting results like this (see free membership tab)!

May 26, 2015
With yesterday being a holiday, I almost forgot that today is Transformation Tuesday and I have to give a huge shout out to my sister who has been part of my challenge group for 2 months. She and her husband have lost 25 lbs each and last week she found out she has lowered her cholesterol from 260 to 190 all by eating clean and exercising 30 minutes a day! I'm so very proud of her!! It's not always easy as her 3 kids keep her super busy with their sports and activities, but she is find a way to make this healthy lifestyle work for her and her family. Keep up the good work.

May 19, 2015
I have to give a huge shout out to one of my amazing challengers. After having 2 babies her body wasn't the same. She joined my challenge group to tone up and lift a few areas and that is exactly what she did in only 21 DAYS! Not only did she tone up but she also changed the way her family was eating. She now has them eating clean and in all the right portion sizes. She has even inspired her good friend to do it with her and her friend is already down 7 lbs in less than 2 weeks. Amazing job girls!! Keep up the good work. I am so proud of both of you!!

Results from Eating Clean, Shakeology, T25 and 21 Day Fix

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