Saturday, March 28, 2015

Hearty Beef and Butternut Squash Stew

This recipe came with my 21 Day Fix Extreme program. It looks delicious so I'm going to give it a try this week. I'll post picture once I make it. 

                1 tsp olive oil
                1½ lbs raw lean beef stew meat, boneless, cut into cubes
                1 medium onion, chopped
                ½ green bell pepper, chopped
                ½ red bell pepper, chopped
                4 cloves garlic, minced
                1 cup cherry tomatoes or 2 medium tomatoes, chopped
                1 cup organic beef broth
                1 bay leaf
                1 tsp sea salt
                1 tsp ground black pepper (optional)
                2 cups cubed butternut squash
                ¼ cup chopped fresh flat leaf parsley

1.              Heat oil in a large sauce pan over medium-high heat.
2.             Add beef; cook, stirring frequently, for 4 to 5 minutes, or until beef is brown.
3.             Add onion and bell peppers; cook, stirring frequently , for 4 to 5 minutes.
4.             Add garlic; cook, stirring frequently, for 1 minute
5.             Add tomatoes, broth, bay leaf, salt and pepper, bring to a boil.
6.             Reduce heat to medium-low, cook, covered, for 40 minutes.
7.             Add squash; cook, stirring occasionally, for 8 - 12 minutes, or until sauce has thickened and beef is fork-tender.
8.             Remove bay leaf; serve topped with parsley.
Twenty One (21) Day Fix Extreme a serving = 1 green 1 red

Chicken Stir Fry

I experimented with this recipe and it turned out delicious. After everything is cooked combine the veggies, chicken, and brown rice in a bowl for a complete dinner. Enjoy!

Veggies  (Green Container & 1 spoon)

  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1/4 cup chopped asparagus spears
  • 1/4 cup chopped red bell peppers
  • 1/4 cup chopped carrots
  • 1/4 cup chopped onions
  • 1/2 tsp Mediterranean Seasoning or All purpose seasoning.

  • Heat oil in medium skillet over medium heat.  
  • Combine asparagus, pepper, carrots, onions, and seasoning.
  • cook veggies in skillet, mixing frequently for 2 to 3 minutes or until crisp tender.

Chicken (Red Container)

  • 4 oz raw chicken breast, boneless, skinnless
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • all purpose seasoning or Mediterranean Seasoning.

  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees
  • Place chicken in ovenproof dish
  • Spray with cooking spray at the bottom of pan.
  • Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink in the middle and juices run clear

Cooking times may vary depending on the thickness and weight of the chicken breast.  

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sore Muscles-Rest Day or Workout?

It's common for beginners to experience muscle soreness that lasts for a week or two, just as seasoned exercisers will be sore after a tough work out. Yes, you should keep working out even though you are sore, but there is more to it than that. The only way to avoid muscle soreness is to not workout at all!  And that is certainly not going to get you that body you envision in your mind!

Muscle soreness has two primary causes. The first soreness you experience happens during your workout ("the burn") and should subside within a couple of hours. This is caused by lactic acid production. When you are training and your muscles are not getting enough oxygen (anaerobic glycolysis), lactic acid builds up. You can break down lactic acid by continuing to move and by doing light aerobic exercise (such as walking) after your workout. This is why cool-downs are so important, especially for beginners. The longer you cool down, the faster that lactic acid will leave the muscles (typically within an hour).

The type of muscle soreness you are experiencing, up to a day or two (and sometimes even three) after your workout is known as DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). DOMS is caused by microscopic tears inside the muscles, resulting from weight-training or fully exhausting the muscles during cardio. This is normal. Again, beginners will be more sore and usually for longer, but if you really worked as hard as you should have during a weight-lifting session, you should be somewhat sore for the next day or two. 

This is where rest comes in. You absolutely must rest the muscles you worked for 1-2 days after a workout. Take at least one day off between strength training sessions, and if you are still very sore, take 2 days off. (This means from lifting, not from all exercise such as cardio). If you don't let your muscles recover and repair, they will continue to break down and you will actually get weaker. 

To help prevent soreness in the future, and alleviate some of it now, be sure to: 
1. Always warm-up for 5-10 minutes and cool-down for at least 5 minutes. 

2. Stretch after a warm-up, during your workout, and after you are done. Only stretch when your muscles are already warm from some kind of light activity. 

3. Stay active. The more your muscles move, the faster they will recover from exercise and soreness. If you choose to rest completely instead of "actively recovering" with light exercise, you'll probably be sore longer.

One technique I've used with some success to reduce my own muscle soreness is to use a foam roller regularly as a part of my cool down. This has been particularly helpful for me after a long, high intensity bike ride or after I start a new type of exercise or a new weight training routine. Plus it just feels amazing to stretch out your muscles. 
The key is to find the sore spot and lay on it.  So use the foam roller find the hot spot and just sink into it slowly moving back and forth almost giving yourself a massage!  Feel the knots and tension melt away!
There are also some great post workout drinks and foods that you can consume to help reduce the post muscle soreness and help your body to recovery faster.

The most important meal you eat is the one that you have directly after your workout.  for about an hour after your workout, there's a window of opportunity when your muscles are literally starving for nutrients. We call this the golden hour. And the meal you eat at this time is the most important for building muscle and replenishing energy sources.

The first thing your body needs is a nice fresh supply of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are used by your body for making muscles, hormones, neurotransmitters, bones and all sorts of other important things. Exercise depletes critical amino acids such as glutamine, valine, isoleucine and leucine–and the way you replenish your body's supply is with protein. That means meat, chicken, eggs, fish or whey protein powder.

The second thing you need is some carbohydrates. Exercise draws upon your body's stores of glycogen, which is the storage form of sugar. Glycogen waits in the liver and the muscles for a signal that sugar is needed: "Hey, she's exercising, let's give her some fuel!" Your body can hold about 1,800 calories of sugar as glycogen, which is plenty to fuel any workout short of a marathon, but athletes do best when their glycogen stores are full, so unless you are on a carb-restricted diet, some slow-burning carbs after working out is a good idea. (Hint: The best carbs are oatmeal, brown rice, grains like quinoa or amaranth, and all vegetables and fruits).

Your muscles need protein for repair and growth, and your body needs some carbs to replenish its glycogen stores. Truth be told, after a hard workout your body is like the plant in Little Shop of Horrors: It's crying "Feed me!" and it won't take no for an answer. Remember, right before exercise you have to consider the time it takes to digest food, so you need to go light. But post-workout is the ideal time to have a full meal. So what's the best meal, or combination of foods, to have post-workout? 

Shakeology is a great post workout meal.  It has a perfect combination of protein and carbs along with all the essential amino acids and nutrients your body needs to recovery from the workout you just did.  At least you don't have to stand there in the kitchen wondering if what you are eating is the right option.  Instead whip up a shake and go!  It honestly is refreshing and delicious!

Results and Recovery Drink -

P90X® Results and Recovery Formula® tastes so great, you won't believe how good it is for you! When recovering from intense workouts, Results and Recovery Formula will provide you with the vital nutrients you need to bounce back from your workout. And the delicious, smooth orange flavor makes it the perfect post-workout reward.


  • Dextrose-based formula for optimum glycogen replenishment*
  • A high Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) blend to provide the critical building blocks for rapid muscle resynthesis*
  • Vitamins, including antioxidants, to help reduce muscle soreness and assist in repair and growth*

Remember no pain no gain!!!! 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Almond Crusted Chicken

I know chicken is a great source of lean protein, but honestly I get bored with it. Here is an easy and great way to spice up your chicken. 

1lb bag of raw unsalted almonds
Egg Whites
**You can bag the extra breading and refrigerate it until the next time you make it

Almond Flour: Blend all ingredients except for egg whites in a food processor (or nutribullet) to taste (Toss about a tablespoon of each spice in and then just a dash of salt and pepper) until it is very fine and soft, almost flour like. It's ok if there are still bits of almond that aren't ground up all the way. 

Start with 6-8 raw chicken breast; trim off all of the fat and cut them into individual portion sizes. Place each breast between plastic wrap and pound until they are thin. Then, I dredge each piece of chicken through either an all egg white bath or sometimes I just use water. Shake off the excess egg white (or water) and then dip both sides of the chicken breast in the almond flour/breading. Put onto aluminum foil lined baking sheet and cook.

I recommend backing the chicken at 325 degrees for 20 minutes. Half way through I flip the chicken so the underside isn't soggy. Then with about 4-5 minutes left I put the broiler on and let them get nice and golden brown on top!

Balsamic Steak Salad

Here is another delicious fixed approved recipe. 4 cups is equal to 3 greens, 1 red, and 1 tsp. Enjoy!

4 (5-6oz) raw extra-lean beef tenderloin steaks, trimmed (3/4-inch thick)
1 tsp sea salt or Himalayan salt
½ tsp. ground black pepper
4 tsp olive oil
½ cup balsamic vinegar
8 cups mixed salad greens
2 cups sliced red onion
2 cups cherry tomatoes, cut in half

  1. Season steaks with salt and pepper. Set aside.
  2. Heat oil in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.
  3. Add steaks; cook for 3 minutes on each side for medium rare, or to desired doneness. Remove steaks from pan; keep warm by covering with aluminum foil.
  4. Add balsamic vinegar to skillet. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low; gently boil for 3-5 minutes, or until vinegar thickens into a glaze.
  5. Cut each steak into 1/4 –inch thick slices. Set aside.
  6. Place 2 cups of mixed greens, ½ cup onions, and ½ cup tomatoes on each serving plate. Top with steak slices; drizzle evenly with balsamic glaze. 

Shrimp Fajitas Clean Eating Style

This is one of my coach’s recipes. She raves about it, but honestly I’m not big on shrimp. My sister tried this recipe and said it was AWESOME!! So of course I had to try it out for my followers and yes it is AWESOME!! This is a fabulous dinner that we all enjoyed. You must try it.

                2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
                1/2 lb of shrimp peeled and deveined
                Fiesta lime seasoning to taste (Mrs. Dash-salt free)
                1/4 tsp Himalayan sea salt
                1 small onion thinly sliced
                1 red pepper thinly sliced
                Hard or soft whole grain tortillas, corn tortillas or you can use leaf lettuce instead of the shell

Then I had topping to go with it.  Greek yogurt instead of sour cream, black beans, avocado, tomato, cheese for the kids, lettuce, salsa, brown rice and steamed corn.

Place oil in pan and heat on medium.  In a small bowl combine the shrimp, fiesta lime seasoning, sea salt and stir. Then place in pan and cook 4 minutes or until done.
Remove shrimp from pan and add in the onion and peppers and brown.  Stir in shrimp and toss to combine then spoon into whole grain tortillas hard or soft!

Friday, March 20, 2015

I Want To Try Shakeology, but the Price Scares Me!!!

Happy Friday!

Have you been thinking lately, "I NEED TO GET IN THE ZONE" BUT I JUST CAN'T FIND MY MOTIVATION!!!

That is what I am here for! My job is to help you find your inner strength, teach you how to be strong and teach you the basics of healthy choices!  That is truly my passion because it was the #1 thing that helped me to change my mindset about food.  I grew up in the era of fat free and low fat are the way to go! Calorie counting was of utmost importance and the scale drove my emotions on a daily basis.  Unfortunately it was NOT going well for me!  I wasn't losing weight, my energy level was low and I was starving.

When I found clean eating I realized there was another way to live- a way to eat, have energy, to feel full, to enjoy good tasting food and to lose weight!  It almost sounds  too good to be true! I have lost 25 lbs with regular exercise, clean eating and replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology!  So my mission is to teach others my tips and tricks to a successful lifestyle change.  

I have been reflecting this past week on how different my life looks since I began clean eating.  I mean, one year ago, if I was frustrated and not seeing results from my efforts, I would have immediately quit and just gotten back on a bad trend with my diet.  A few fried foods here, some ice cream there, diet cokes, etc.  But honestly, today, I am not tempted by that very much.  Sure, I would love to eat a bowl of Blue Bell icecream, but it's not even worth it anymore.  The discomfort my body goes through when I eat that way makes me MISERABLE!!!

So, what has Shakeology done for me?

  • Honestly, it is one meal per day that I don't even have to think about!  It's fast; it's easy, and it takes the guess work out of my busy morning or crazy afternoon. 
  • I have more energy!  Within one week of drinking Shakeology, I noticed this.  
  • It keeps me full for 2 1/2 -3 hours
  • It actually tastes really good
  • It definitely curbs my sweet tooth, which keeps me on track.
  • It was just downright convenient!

Other people I have worked with have said:
  • Since starting Shakeology I am off all cholesterol medicine.  
  • I have stronger nails and hair.
  • My complexion has improved
  • I have more energy and I am healthier
  • I save money because I no longer eat out!  

And there are so many things you can do with it!!! Like making Shakeo energy balls cookies or a Salted Reese's Peanut Butter shake ...absolutely divine!

I run 30 day clean eating and Shakeology groups, 60 day support and accountability groups and 21 Day Fix groups for the most part.  But I'm doing something a little different this month.

I know that just like I was in the beginning, there are a ton of people who are skeptical about Shakeology.  Honestly, I have never been a shake person, and I did not want to spend money on one I was sure to dislike!

Well, Beachbody just did something really cool by coming out with a sampler pack.  It's 6 packets of Shakeology in every flavor for you to try!  So, I'm going to host a 7 day clean eating and Shakeology group to help you learn more about clean eating and to allow you to replace one meal/day with Shakeology. That way, you get to try it for yourself and see the benefits!

So----how does it work?  I must be your assigned coach through .  If you do not currently have an account or a coach, you can sign up through my site and create one for free.  Then you are required to get the Super Sampler of Shakeology, which will give you access to my closed online group!

Then, starting on MARCH 30th I will be providing you with a sample clean eating meal plan and grocery list, daily tips to start making healthier choices, snack ideas, lists of good sources of protein, carbs fruits and veggies plus the foods you should stay away from!  Each day we will post our shakeology recipe and give feedback on what we think!  You can replace any meal with shakeology and I suggest choosing the meal that you struggle with the most!  For some it's breakfast bc either you never eat breakfast or you are always running late and you hit the drive thru.  For me some days it's lunch bc the kids are eating mac and cheese and I have my shake bc it's utter chaos in our house at lunch time! This keeps me from nibbling on their food! Whatever works best for you is what you choose! 

Then our goal is to see what kind of success we can have in 7 days!  Heck, you seriously could lose a pant size if you give it 100%!!! Are you in?  Are you willing to give it a try?  Honestly it's $29.95+ shipping & tax.   That is doable!  Plus the amazing support I will be giving you will help you to start and finish and have success in 7 days!

Then hit me up by filling out the application below if you would like to participate in this group or contact me through

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Turkey Chili

Who doesn’t love an easy healthy recipe? This chili recipe is good for someone who doesn’t have a lot of time. Not only is it yummy, it doesn’t take much time to cook and it makes a lot, which is good for leftovers. This meal is fixed approve!! 1 cup is equal to 1 red, ½ green, ½ yellow. Try it out! Enjoy!!

1 tsp olive oil
1 ½ lbs. raw 93% lean ground turkey
1 medium onion, chopped
1 medium green bell pepper, chopped
3 cloves garlic
1 ½ tsp cumin
1 Tbsp. chili powder
½ tsp. sea salt or Himalayan salt
¼ tsp. cayenne pepper (to taste; optional)
2 (15 oz.) can black (or pinto beans); drained and rinsed
1 (15 oz.) can all-natural diced tomatoes, no sugar added
12 fresh cilantro springs, finely chopped (for garnish; optional)

  1. Heat oil in large saucepan over medium-high heat.
  2. Add turkey, onion, bell pepper, and garlic; cook, stirring occasionally, for 5-8 minutes, or until turkey is no longer pink.
  3. Add cumin, chili powder, salt, and cayenne pepper; cook, stirring constantly, for 1 minute.
  4. Add beans and tomatoes (with liquid). Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low; gently boil, stirring occasionally, for 15-20 minutes, or until thickened.
  5. Serve warm, sprinkled with cilantro.

Tip: Store individual containers and freeze for future meals.
Variations: Substitute ground turkey with diced chicken or turkey breast. Add garbanzo beans and organic corn for additional texture and flavor. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

12 Ways to Better Eating-Mental Approach

Lots of people are trying to eat better,... trim off some extra pounds gained over the holidays, or get beach-ready for a moment in the sun. Eating better is hard, and many people get frustrated, fall short or give up. Here are some key ways to make your eat better stick.

1. Set Goals: It starts by having clear and realistic goals. Write a list of things you want to change about your diet. Also incorporate goals that you may have regarding your body and plan your diet around those goals. I recommend setting present goals, short term, and long term goals. If you try and do everything all at once you can be overwhelmed and want to quit. Take it one goal at a time if need be, and one day at a time, this isn’t a race. You may also want to write reasons why you want to make a change in your eating habits. You might share your goals with others who will help you meet them. You can put your goals where others can see them “on the fridge, at work” to motivate you to work harder. This will also get others behind you and involved in your new routine. As you achieve your goals, check them off. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and add excitement leading to your next goal.

2. Have Realistic expectations- Any diet plan needs to work with you and not against you. You need to be realistic when setting up the parameters of your new diet. Your plan needs to work for you and your situation. It needs to fit your schedule and your budget. If you don’t follow your budget, your cooking costs will get too high and you will have to withdraw from the diet you set up. If you don’t cook for your schedule and your eating times you will find yourself without food and scrambling to find a healthy choice. So be realistic with time, and give yourself extra time to prepare food, or have food pre-packed. Also know that obstacles can and will come into your path from time to time to derail you and your progress, so don’t think that everything will be easy and will just happen. This takes work.

3. Be Proactive - Make a list of healthy foods you enjoy, and what foods you can take with you to work, in the car, school, etc. You can create entire menus revolving around where you will be at what time of the day. Never give yourself an excuse to not have something available for you to eat, no matter where you are when you are supposed to have a meal. Always keep healthy foods on hand. If you don’t you will probably eat whatever is available at the time whether it be fast food, office treats, etc. This can throw off a diet plan and get you in the habit of making bad food choices and eat whatever is fast and convenient. Know where you will be at what time of the day, when you are open to cook, to eat, to shop for groceries, and plan accordingly. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

4. Consistency is key - Most people respond well to consistency. Make a plan and stick to it. Try to eat at around the same times daily and keep to the same portion size and caloric intake.. Your body will recognize this pattern and in turn keep your metabolism burning and your energy levels will stay high. You will feel better, and get in a healthy routine. It is easy to sabotage yourself by grabbing nasty snacks to meet uncontrolled cravings. The time you spend on planning and consistency is a true investment that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

5. Be flexible - Of course, even the best plans fall short at times. Life can sometimes get the best of all of us. Sometimes your eating routines need to change. Where you can, try to plan ahead for these events and have items on hand you can take with you when you’re in a rush or are eating out. Example: Bag of almonds, protein bars and shakes, fresh fruit. Also educate yourself on nutrition through the internet, books, and magazines. You can use this knowledge to help you improvise and find foods that are compatible with your diet, for example if you are out with friends or stuck with no time to cook. Find items that are less time consuming that you can take with you in a pinch.

6. Don’t be so hard on yourself -Nobody is perfect all the time. If you mess up, miss a few meals, or even have a bad couple of days, just pick yourself up and get back on track. You’re doing this for you, and the added stress of not living up to your own expectations can lead to a total diet derailment. Being healthy and eating healthy does not mean you can’t enjoy foods not on your meal plan. So don’t be so hard on yourself. YOU CAN DO IT!

7. Stick with your plan - It takes time to develop healthy behaviors. After about a month of eating better consistently, you will have developed a habit. You will find that everything you initially may have had a hard time doing becomes more effortless and be a normal part of your day to day life.

8. Have fun - Eating right takes dedication, commitment and sacrifice. Don’t stress yourself out over small bumps in the road. You have the power to change any negative into a positive, and you have the choice to have a positive outlook regarding any situation you find yourself in. Find fun ways to keep yourself motivated. Get friends and family involved. Set challenges at home, with friends, or at work to start eating healthier. Take the time to cook and try new and interesting recipes. You are making change for the better, so why not make it enjoyable.

9. Give yourself praise - You are not a dog so don’t reward yourself with treats. Realize that changing your eating habits can be a daunting task for anyone. Just think how long you have had your current habits and know that changing those habits will not happen overnight, but with time. Congratulate yourself on any healthy changes you make, you deserve the praise. Praise builds confidence and makes you feel good about the healthy choices you are making, and in turn help keep you on your path to betterment.

10. Don’t rush into this - People always start with the best of intentions and will try and do everything at once. They get overwhelmed and quit before they really even started. Small changes add up and can make a huge difference. Work on one thing at a time and keep adding to it. Before you know it you will have many healthy habits that incorporate together to make a healthy lifestyle and a healthier and happier you.

11. Focus on the journey and not the destination - To live a healthy lifestyle is never easy. In order to enjoy this lifestyle with all the ups and downs, we must enjoy the process and the journey on the way to our destination. Once we hit our destination we immediately look to the next mountain top and we either want more, or worst case scenario we think that we have accomplished all we need to and we relax on all of the things that got us there in the first place. Take pride in small victories along the way, they add up.

12. Measure Success and Set New Goals: Making successful changes means measuring your progress towards your goals and recognizing your accomplishments. As you meet short-term goals, you can plan the next steps with more confidence. Constantly re-strategizing your goals takes long-term visualization. That long-term vision needs to be broken down into doable steps.

Now go out and make a difference in your life today!!